How to Find a Career You Genuinely Love

A problem that a lot of people have with their career is that it can actually be a source of stress. As human beings, we like the idea of certainty. However, not knowing what we want to do with our career or whether we’re really going to enjoy it can be profoundly uncertain. Even if you know what you want to do and what you enjoy, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to turn that into a well-paying and successful career, which again adds to the stress. This translates into career anxiety that many of us feel, causing worries, apprehensions, and self-doubts about whether we’re on the right path and truly fulfilled in our current jobs.

Expert Insight

A little while back, I spoke to a professor of Behavioral Science, Grace Lorden, who has written a book about how to find and succeed in a career you enjoy. In this article, we’ll talk about seven evidence-based techniques that you can use to move towards a career you actually enjoy.

Tip 1: Task Over Title

I’ve noticed that a lot of times when I talk to people about careers, they’re attached to a label. They want to be a trader or an investment banker, or they want to be a doctor. They’re attached to a lifestyle where they can go on particular vacations or buy a particular car. The journey really involves thinking about the tasks you would be doing on a day-to-day basis and whether you would ultimately enjoy those tasks.

There are many studies from the field of psychology that show a lot of your success in a career comes down to your happiness in that particular job. What Professor Lorden suggests is that if you focus too much on the title, you might forget about what the day-to-day tasks involve. This might sound boring and obvious, but many people, including myself, have fallen into this trap.

Tip 2: Visualize Your Me Plus

One of my favorite ideas from the book is to visualize what “Me Plus” looks like. “Me Plus” is the aspirational version of you. Here’s an exercise from the book on how to visualize your “Me Plus”:

  • What is “Me Plus’s” job title?
  • Which industry will “Me Plus” be working in?
  • What company will “Me Plus” work for?
  • What characteristics will the company have?
  • What responsibilities will “Me Plus” have?

On the next page, you can highlight specific tasks that you enjoy, such as providing consultation, coaching, solving problems, teaching, and creating art. This helps define what your day-to-day tasks would look like and allows you to take small steps toward achieving that career.

Tip 3: Audit Your Time

This is a simple strategy to move towards a career you enjoy. It involves auditing your time during the week and noting what you’re doing and whether you enjoy it. Write down if the activities give you a sense of purpose or fun. Here’s how it works:

  1. Screenshot your calendar.
  2. Mark activities that take you towards “Me Plus” with a double plus (++), those somewhat towards it with a plus (+), those that don’t help with a plus-minus (+/-), and those that take you away from it with a minus-minus (–).

By identifying these activities, you can work towards eliminating those that drain your energy and don’t help you enjoy your career.

Tip 4: 13 Minutes a Day

Invest in activities that take you closer to “Me Plus.” Professor Lorden talks about the idea of compounding: small daily investments can lead to significant improvements over time. For example, invest 13 minutes a day in learning a skill relevant to your career goals. Developing rare and valuable skills will help you earn career capital, making you more likely to enjoy your career.

Tip 5: You Probably Don’t Need to Go Back to University

Avoid committing to a long degree or an expensive master’s program if you don’t know what you want to do. Use cheaper or free resources available online. While university degrees can be beneficial, they’re not always necessary for acquiring new skills or advancing your career.

Tip 6: Embrace U-Turns

Even if you have a clear vision for your career, you might still want to make changes. We are generally bad at predicting our future preferences. The end of history illusion suggests we underestimate how much we’ll change over time. Changing your mind about your career direction is okay. Good leaders can admit when they’re wrong and change course based on new data.

Tip 7: The Grid Search Mindset

Use a grid search technique to figure out activities you enjoy and see if your actions align with a dream career. For example, combine your interests (teaching, creative work, entrepreneurship) and take small steps in a particular direction. Gather data, evaluate how you feel about it, and be open to changing direction based on new insights.


Finding a career you enjoy is a long-term process involving defining your goals, taking small steps towards them, and being open to changes. Embrace the journey, and eventually, you’ll be able to connect the dots looking back and see how everything along the way made sense.

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