
You can find this information on our website. If you need more details or have questions, please email us at [email protected]. We are happy to help you!

Making Sure Our Information is Correct

At njpjobsapply.pk, we want to give you helpful information. We try our best to make sure everything is correct and up-to-date. But we can’t promise that everything will always be perfect.

About Names and Logos

Any names, logos, or symbols you see on our site are just for your information. We do not own them and are not responsible for any ads or other content from outside sources.

Your Responsibility

Please remember, we are not responsible if something goes wrong when you use our site. We do not help with hiring or recruiting. Our goal is to share information about the National Job Portal (NJP) and other job sites.

Using Our Website

When you visit our site, it means you agree with what we say in this notice. If you don’t agree with anything, please do not use our site.

Changes to This Information

If we need to make changes, we will update this page. You should check back from time to time to see if anything has changed.

Who We Are

https://njpjobsapply.pk/ is a website all about the National Job Portal (NJP). This portal is a big project by the Ministry of IT & Telecom, Government of Pakistan.

The goal of the NJP is to help people in Pakistan easily apply for government jobs online.

Thank you for visiting njpjobsapply.pk! Keep checking for the jobs you want on the National Job Portal.

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